When Josh leaves for a bike ride, I usually try to be anywhere but home with the kids, because it is so hard on Lake to see him go. This particular day Harper was napping so Lake and I were home when Josh was ready to go. Lake is becoming more and more perisistant to go with Josh, and on this particular afternoon he was even more persistant. We told him that Daddy is going on a very long ride, and will ride very fast. So, between his tears, Lake rode his bike on the driveway as fast as his little legs could take him, and said "see, I can ride fast." Not knowing what to say next we told him he couldn't go on a long ride until his training wheels were off, so as Josh was taking off down the road, Lake was in Josh's toolbox looking for some kind of tool to take off his training wheels. When Josh returned Lake's persistance had not waivered and he was determined to ride without training wheels. But, he got two feet down the driveway and decided he better put them back on and be content with a ride around the block instead. Who knows, maybe one day they will be a tri together. :)

I'm glad I wasn't there, I teared up reading this.