Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Guppies I

We signed Lake up for swimming lessons this winter. He is in Guppies I (I love the name; the next class is Guppies 2 and then he moves on to tadpoles:)). We were very skeptical how he would do because he just turned 3 and the classes are open to kids 3-6. I, of course, was the Mom who thinks my kid can do anything and Josh is the Dad who doesn't want to see his kid fail. (for those who don't know, we had two terrible experiences with Lake in the parent/child swim class the past 2 winters...yep we had the kid who screamed and cried the entire lesson)
But, it's just like Lake to knock our socks off and prove he can do something very well. He loves being a guppy and looks forward to swim lessons.