Tuesday, January 19, 2010

quick update

I know I know, it has been too long since my last post. We've had a busy few weeks, so I find it hard to sitdown and spend time on my blog. Unfortunately, the flu bug hit our house last week. Harper got sick first, and a couple days later Lake got sick while we were in Iowa City getting hair cuts... poor guy. I don't think he will ever walk into a bakery again and not remember getting sick. He still tells me at mealtime that he can't eat too much or he will get sick again. Josh and I got sick towards the end of the week and spent the weekend trying to get back to normal.
I'm not able to post pictures right now because we have a little guy that has moved into the office, and naptime seems to be the only time that I have to upload pictures. So, today I am enjoying some peace and quiet for a couple hours while everyone naps.
Hope you are all enjoying your day and week and if you have a few moments remember to keep praying for the many people in Haiti that are dealing with so much more then we could ever imagine.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for all of those in Haiti and also celebrating with a few that are arriving in the states, even Pella, Iowa this evening. So glad to have everyone better again. I'm not taking Lake to a bakery any time soon.
