Monday, January 4, 2010

Finishing up pictures from 2009. It's hard to believe a new year has begun. Harper went to the doctor today for her 1 year check-up. She didn't cry for her three shots, Lake was impressed. She had to have blood drawn for a lead test, and Lake held her hand, it was priceless. He's such a good big brother!

The day after Christmas we were invited to a wedding reception of a good friend from college. As you can see from the pictures, my kids love to dance. We have nightly dance parties at our house, so when we get in public and there's music, watch out!

All danced out, time for bed.
We can hardly believe we have made it 3 years and no ER visit for stitches or broken bones. We were hoping Harper would be a little less daring, but she is following in Lake's footsteps.
Look Mom, no hands!

If she's goin to be awnry, atleast she's cute. :)
Playing his new My First Computer game.We recently went to Curious George Live. Lake has been a big fan of Curious George, and couldn't believe he saw him in person. He sat through the entire show.
The KC boys came back for a few days and stayed at our house one night. We put all three boys in Lake's room, and they did great. Lake was so excited when he opened the front door and there stood Payton and Cadynce.
Watching a movie in 3-D. Lake had no idea why he had to wear these funny glasses, but Payton told him to and he does whatever Payton says.

Story time before bed.

Sweet kisses from Harper. Harper's hair has really started to grow out recently, so I have to tie it up all the time now or it is in her eyes. Josh took these pictures one night after we took her hair out.

She managed to get in here all by herself.

1 comment:

  1. all i have to say is, "you have it coming honey!" you were so awnry and sometimes even a bit naughty but i never see that in my grand kids! (not very often anyway)
